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Wer ist Aravali India Marbles & Granites alias Aravali Marbles in Indien?Aravali Marbles in Indien ist ein führender indischer Steinexporteur und ein globaler Hersteller und Lieferant von hochwertigen Natursteinprodukten wie Marmor, Granit, Sandstein, Basalt, natürlichen Kristallquarzplatten, Schieferstein, Kota-Steinen, Quarzit usw. für Übersee Märkte. Wir sind seit über 20 Jahren im Steinexportgeschäft tätig und stolz darauf, in Familienbesitz zu sein und betrieben zu werden. Wir bemühen uns, unseren Kunden das Beste zu bieten, durch außergewöhnlichen Service, unschlagbare Steinprodukte zu fairen Preisen und kompetente Beratung, die Sie sonst nirgendwo finden. Man könnte sagen, Naturstein liegt uns im Blut. Luxuriöse indische Steine sind hier bei uns, um Ihnen zu helfen, die Ergebnisse zu erzielen, von denen Sie geträumt haben. Für spezifische Informationen in dieser Hinsicht bitte rufen Sie uns an / WhatsApp unter +91-9829446944 oder senden Sie uns eine E-Mail / wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
Warum sollte ich Ihre Steinprodukte kaufen?Hier erwähnen wir einige handfeste Gründe, die uns von anderen unterscheiden: Wir sind stolz darauf, dass wir Stein von höchster Qualität zu den besten und niedrigsten Preisen liefern. Wir exportieren verschiedene Steinprodukte wie Gatterplatten, Schneidplatten, Bodenfliesen, Wandfliesen, Hardscaping-Produkte, projektgeschnittene Fliesenplatten, vorgefertigte Arbeitsplatten für Küchen und Badezimmer, Waschtische, Stufen, Brunnen, Landschaftsgestaltungssteine , Außen- und Innenplatten, Fensterbänke, Denkmäler, Pool- und Wandverkleidungen und andere Designprojekte seit über 20 Jahren in verschiedenen Ausführungen wie poliert, geflammt, sandgestrahlt, antikisiert, gehämmert usw. Unser Steinmaterial erfüllt die europäischen Qualitätsparameter. Wir sind ein ISO 9001:2015, CE & ein zertifiziertes Steinunternehmen in Indien. Unsere Steine stammen aus den hochwertigsten indischen Steinbrüchen, die über ganz Indien verstreut sind. Wir sind Hersteller, Exporteur und Lieferant von anspruchsvollen indischen Steinen mit einer hochwertigen Produktionslinie wie Blockschneider, Gattersäge, Kreisblattsäge, Drahtsäge, Linienpoliermaschine, Brückenschneider, Flammenmaschine, Buschhammermaschine, Wasserstrahlmaschine, Kalibriermaschine, Spaltmaschine etc. Wir haben über viele Jahre hinweg starke herzliche Beziehungen zu Steinbruchbesitzern aufgebaut und das ist der Grund, warum wir unseren internationalen Kunden die besten Qualitätssteinprodukte beschaffen und liefern können. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass unsere Kunden von dem Moment an, in dem Sie auf unsere Website klicken, bis zur Lieferung Ihrer Bestellung an Ihre Website mit unserem Stein und unserem Kundenservice zufrieden sind. Außerdem reagieren wir umgehend auf Ihre Anrufe, E-Mails, Faxe und Briefe. Sie erhalten durch uns die niedrigstmöglichen Frachtraten, da wir eine zuverlässige und starke Koordination mit einigen renommierten Spediteuren / Direktspeditionen haben, die uns den Vorteil verschaffen, Ihnen die Materialien pünktlich + die geringstmöglichen Frachtraten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir sind äußerst ethisch und wir kümmern uns wirklich um das Feedback und die Bewertung unserer Kunden, 100 % Kundenzufriedenheit garantiert! Keine Aufregung. Keine Spielereien. Wir stellen verkaufsunterstützende Waren wie Muster, PDF- und gedruckte Produktkataloge usw. kostenlos zur Verfügung
What sort of quality parameters you follow in Aravali Marbles?Yes, we have 3 quality parameters in our stones. Premium = this is always very expensive material; you cannot find any line/s or variation in the slab similarly the short availability of this premium quality makes the price high. Due to having strong foot hold at the quarries and cordial business ties with the quarry owners we can offer you our premium quality at the best order-able price range. Standard = this grade is OK category material, not good not so bad, there may be some line/s variation but a common man cannot catch them easily, the price of standard grade is always liked by the customers. Commercial = the cheaper one, it will have natural water lines, naturally accrued hair line cracks, and fissures Please be noted that we have divide the stones in 3 categories as per their NATURAL APPEARANCE, TEXTURE, PATTERN but our production efforts are always same in all the categories…you will not find any production related quality differences…we put same efforts in all stone categories.
Do you have CE certificate of your stone products?Yes of course our stone products are tested and qualified as per the EU guidelines CE parameters, we have CE certificate with us along with other important certificates.
What kind of natural stones your company supply?Our company has invested a lot in the quarrying and production of the Indian natural stones that we supply to the overseas markets like granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, onyx, basalt, porphyry, slate, quartzite, soapstone. Marble, granite and basalt are our hot selling materials that we have been exporting across the globe.
What kind of natural stone products your company supply?As per the appearance of the natural stones and their demand in the international market we process them in different formats and then export them. Mainly we supply following stone products: Granite slabs, flooring tiles, blocks, stairs treads, skirting, façade, countertops, vanity tops, window sill, skirting, cobbles and granite monuments etc. Marble slabs, flooring tiles, blocks, stairs treads, façade, countertops, vanity tops, skirting, window sill, and marble articles etc. Sandstone pavers, circle, shower wall, walling panel, ledger panels, stepping stones, blocks, patio paving, driveway paving, wall tiles, cobbles etc. Limestone pavers, circle, stepping stones, blocks, patio paving, driveway paving, cobbles, wall cladding etc. Indian Onyx slabs, flooring tiles, blocks, stairs treads, countertops, vanity tops, skirting, and onyx articles etc. Basalt pavers, stepping stones, blocks, patio paving, driveway paving, wall cladding, cobbles etc. Porphyry pavers, stepping stones, blocks, patio paving, driveway paving, wall cladding, cobbles etc. Slate & quartzite floor tiles, slate wall tiles, ledger panels, slate roofing tiles, slate swimming pool tiles, shower wall, slate ledge stone, slate mosaic tiles, slate coping, slate window sills etc. Soapstone slabs, flooring tiles, blocks, stairs treads, countertops, vanity tops, skirting etc. Any many other formats we can do as per your requirement.
What is the standard size & thickness for slabs and tiles do you produce and export?As you know we are manufacturer exporter and supplier of all-natural stones from India like granite, marble, slate, sandstone, basalt, limestone, porphyry, quartzite etc. we sell almost all standard sizes like gangsaw sizes, small slabs and tailor-made sizes for our overseas buyers. The precise list of production of slabs tiles is as under: Floor tiles = 30x30, 30x60, 60x60, 120x60, 140x70, 90x60 and other sizes. Big slabs = 300 cm above X 180 cm above majorly in 2 cm & 3 cm thickness. Block Multicutter slabs = 180 cm above X 65 to 85 cm majorly in 1.8 cm, 2 cm & 3 cm thickness. Rough quarry blocks = length between 300 to 340 cm X width 130 to 170 cm X height 160 to 205 cm (all sides wire dressed), the average weight always 25-27 tons / block Patio Pavers = 600 series and 560 series, mainly for our UK customers Slate tiles = 30x15 to 60x60 cm with gauged and ungauged finish
What are natural stones (marble granite etc.) that you supply?You can clearly understand the name NATURAL, means the stones which are coming from mother earth’s crust, in simple words we can explain our natural stones like this: Natural Granite is actually an igneous rock, containing 10 to 50 percent quartz, at least 50 percent feldspar and some silica. Most granites are resistant to abrasion, weathering and chemicals. Indian granites are in ample quantity in south India as well as in north India. Because of Feldspar granites get color in them. Bigger crystals mean volcanic flow cools slowly Small crystals mean volcanic flow cools quickly Natural Marble is a metamorphic rock having coarse grained re-crystallized calcite. Most marbles were originally limestones that underwent tremendous pressure and heat, causing the limestone to melt then re-crystalize. In most cases the resulting stone, marble, is denser and more durable than limestone. Natural Limestone is a sedimentary rock consisting mainly with mineral calcite. Indian limestone is very dense and durable, mainly Indian limestone used for paving and wall cladding on exterior and interior surfaces for the last many many years. Soapstone is a serpentine consist of white talc makes it feel like a bar of soap. The talc also makes it easy to scratch, a characteristic preferred in rustic décor. Often used as countertops in chemistry labs, where it’s resistance to acids is important, and on fireplaces where its unique heat retention characteristic is valued. Indian Onyx is a compact sedimentary rock, actually this is also a type of limestone that formed by evaporation of cold water containing dissolved calcium, leaving a translucent variety of calcite. Its natural color is translucent white. The other colours usually come from minute concentrations of chemicals carried by water dripping into the cave. Onyx is extremely dense but it doesn’t have the bending strength. It is often used for interior counters & interior flooring. Indian Slate stone is a metamorphic rock that is dense, strong, acid resistant and non-absorptive. It is impervious to freeze/thaw cycles. It comes in a variety of colors, including black, gray, green, purple and red. Many of these slates are available with mottling of more than one color and some of these slates include a color weathering characteristic which adds warm earth tone hues, mainly used for flooring, wall cladding, roofing. Indian Sandstone composed mainly of sand-size mineral or rock grains, most sandstone is composed of quartz and feldspar – two of the most common minerals in the earth’s crust. Like sand, it can be any color, but most commonly comes in tan, brown, yellow, red, gray and white. Mainly used for wall claddings and paving, landscaping, hardscaping because of its low absorption rate, high compression strength, and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Indian Basalt stone is an extrusive igneous rock or we can say a volcanic rock that has a low silica content, dark in colour, and it is very rich in iron and magnesium. The texture of basalt rocks is coarsely porous as those holes are left by gas bubbles. In India, basalt stone is abundant only in our own state Rajasthan. Majorly we produce flamed basalt stone and basalt flamed finish is in big demand across the world for paving purposes. Indian Quartzite stone is a metamorphic rock, with a very high quartz content. The content of quartz in quartzite rock is more than ninety percent. quartzite has a glassy lustre and a sugary surface appearance. In India quartzite deposits are big and are found in Rajasthan. In its purest form quartzite is mostly green, grey, red, white, black. Chromium rich mica turns quartzite green. We are biggest exporters of deoli green quartzite, copper red quartzite, silver shine quartzite, zeera green quartzite & silver grey quartzite from India to the world market. Porphyry stone is a type of volcanic igneous rock, it is different than granite and is made up of over 70% silica, about 14% alumna, 8% alkali and small percentages of iron, calcium and magnesium. porphyry paving stone or porphyry pavers have high wear resistance and surface regularity that allows comfortable foot traffic. It’s maintenance costs are very low and that's why it is mainly used for public areas, plazas, sidewalks, pool decks, fountains and parks.
Can you supply us south India stones and north India stones together in ONE single container?To be very honest…it is not advisable to mix south Indian stones + north Indian stones together because there is a huge road distance between both the stone origins around 2500 kilometres (1550 miles). The main reason is the inland trucking cost here, if we mix them together then the final price of the material will increase drastically…if you are ready to bear this surge in the price, we have no objection in mixing them together. But we always recommend to our clients to not to mix north colors and south colors together, always make separate container orders for both the variants.
Which is your frost resistance stones?Mostly Indian stones like slate, sandstones, granites, marbles, limestones, porphyry have frost resistance, means the impact of a harsh winters will be minimal. Still we suggest stone buyers to ask in the beginning regarding the “frost resistance” of the particular stone that you have selected for your property.
What surface finishes are available on your stones?We have got the capability & capacity to process all possible surface finishes, like honed, polished, blasted, bush-hammered, flamed or thermal, tumbled, brushed, natural split, gauged, ungauged, leather, lappato, natural+brushed, half honed, water-jet or any combination of these.
Where can I view and select the stone colors that you are manufacturing and exporting?You can check out all our natural stones at our online store or you can just give us a call at +91-9829446944, we are just one phone call away from you…you can send us a request for digital catalogue. You can email us /
The stone colors that I am seeing at your web site / pdf catalogue are the true representation of the actual material that I will receive after order?We always suggest our present clients and the upcoming buyers that please take the present lot images through email / WhatsApp, the pictures that you are seeing at the web site / WhatsApp may vary from the actual material, because of the different computer settings at your end and our end.
As far as granite marble countertops concerned, what is the manufacturing process?Yes, we are manufacture exporter supplier of prefabricated kitchen countertop also for the USA and Canada markets specially. The fabrication process is as under: We bring rough blocks from the quarries Then we do the sawing of these blocks on the multiwire / gangsaw machines to get the slabs like you sliced the bread loaf. Then we start the process of polishing on the slabs Then we check the overall quality and appearance of the slabs and then move them for the final countertop fabrication on the bridge cutter machine. We cut the slabs into the desired dimensions as per the drawing given by the client for the countertop Then we start profiling of the edges as per requirement like half bull nose or full bull nose, or ogee shape or waterfall edge profile.
How can I be sure of the good performance and best customer services from Aravali Marbles if I place order to you?Please be assured of our best services…we have been in the market for the last 20+ years and you know one can sustain the in the market if we serve best in terms of the material + in terms of our customer services…we can share you our overseas customer reference that would be a proof of our product quality + reliability + professionalism in our workings. You will get: Quick response to your query One to one service Ample experience as manufacturer exporter Regular updates from our side from the stage of order receiving till the cargo unloaded at your doors. We are more concern and care about your feedback Competitive pricing without compromising on quality
Do you have manufacturing facilities?Yes, of course we have four in-house stone manufacturing facilities where we are producing granite, marble, slate, sandstone, limestone, quartzite, porphyry etc. slabs tiles pavers and exporting them directly to the overseas clients for the last 20+ years. We are direct manufacturer and exporter in India, in our factory we occupy advanced processing facilities, professional workers and experienced quality inspectors, we have implemented comprehensive management and quality control systems to meet both industrial standards and client expectations. We invested our money through JVs in some major Indian stone factories where we are regularly producing granite, marble and other natural stones and from those factories we are exclusively despatching our own material directly to the overseas clients. We have rich experience as direct exporter & manufacturer for the various international markets like USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, Thailand, Taiwan, Maldives, Maurtiti8us, Poland, Russia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, UK, Romania, Norway, Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil etc. Besides, if there is any stone that we are not processing then we have no hesitation in procuring them from our other Indian factory, the material selection & despatch is always solely by us. Our philosophy is customer first, quality first, service first, reputation first, each stone piece is inspected one by one / piece by piece by our own experienced quality inspectors before packing and loading in the container. Even we have our own supervisor at the main ports (mundra, chennai, tuticorin, vizag) and inland dry ports (delhi, Jaipur, bangalore) where he supervises the container stuffing in his own presence and we provide all images to the client. Please be assured that you are buying direct from the Manufacturer and Exporter and you will get below advantages for buying factory direct: We offer direct factory price of our stone slabs tiles and paving. We have extensive global stone projects experience. Free stone samples are available. We do tailor made order also / customized sizes & thickness for various projects. You can get 24x7 professional and experienced sales service, we are just ONE PHONE CALL AWAY from you. 200+ stone colors for your selection.
What is your average lead time?After getting the production note from the accounts deptt. We proceed for the production / despatch formalities…in the factory: If the material is ready to be shipped then we usually take 10 days’ time to send the cargo to the load port, here time we take for packing, trucking to port and port formalities. Then 5-7 days consumes in the customs formalities Then 25-30 days consumes in the sea transportation (varies as per destination) Canada: About 25-30 days Western coast of America: About 18 days Eastern coast of America: About 30 days Western European main port: About 22-27days Felixstowe / Belfast / Southampton: About 40 days Dublin: About 35days South American Ports: About 35-40 days Hence the total time you can consider around 45 to 55 days. For other destination please contact us….
Are the containers insured by you?Actually, it depends upon the shipment term: In case of CIF = the marine insurance always taken by us (Aravali Marbles) In case of FOB = the marine insurance always taken by consignee, because our responsibility is only up to our indian port of loading. As far for the inland cargo movement (factory to the port of loading) we always insure the cargo through any reputed insurance company.
How much cargo weight you load in the container?Actually, the cargo weight in the container can be different from country to country like… To all European destinations – we can load 27 tons cargo weight To all Middle East destinations – we can load 27 tons cargo weight To all Far East destinations – we can load 27 tons cargo weight To all US destinations – we can load 19.9 tons cargo weight (except for a few ports there) We always take the weight acceptance permission from the client at the time of issuing the proforma invoice.
How many square meters (m2) / square feet can we load in a container?For the 27 tons load acceptance: 2 cm – Approximate 400 m2 (4300 sq. feet) 3 cm – Approximate 290 m2 (3100 sq. feet) For the 19.9 tons load acceptance: 2 cm – Approximate 306 m2 (3300 sq. feet) 3 cm – Approximate 206 m2 (2220 sq. feet)
What are your main markets of your factory?Our major market is from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Taiwan, Mauritius, Poland, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UK, France, Reunion Island, Maldives, Ireland and many central and south American countries. But in recent years, middle Asia, and Asia countries like Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmensistan, Bangladesh etc also increasing. To be very honest...we are focusing on middle and high-end markets and our products are mainly sold to north America, Europe and Oceania. but we have been developing markets, such as south America, south-east Asia and Africa.
What are your acceptable payment terms?T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) & L/C (Irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight)
What is the order procedure at your stone factory?1. Selection of stone/s (name and types) and specify the dimensions. 2. Estimation and quotation on stones, shipping and insurance cost. 3. Confirmation about the order information (quantity, price, delivery time, payment terms). 4. Down payment to be sent or L/C to be set up. 5. Production by our factory. Inspection of the finished products. 6. Packing, make shipment to your nearest port or your door delivery address. Email the document to request the balance to be sent. Release the invoice, packing list, bill of lading to you or your bank.
What steps do you take for quality control?We follow quality control at each and every stage since the procurement of the blocks till the despatch stage of the material. 1st = Our quality checker checks the raw block at the quarry from all 6 sides 2nd = now the quality checker checks the block before sawing and after the sawn slabs comes on the trolly to avoid any deviations on the stone dimensions. 3rd = During the processing of the slabs at the polishing stage the dimensions are again checked and re-worked if required. 4th = After getting the slabs out from the line polishing machine, our quality checker checks each piece slab by slab with following parameters: Gloss levels of the slab Visible cracks or fissures Pitting or pores on surface Colour variation He takes again the measurement of each slab He checks thickness of each slab from all sides He checks flatness of each slab from the front surface After getting satisfy from all above points then only we shift the slabs to the despatch yard.
As far as marble granite are concerned why the big slabs are more expensive?Actually the larger the size of stone, it is more difficult to process it, handle it, pack it, transport it and the larger sizes have a higher % of wastage or breakage..that’s why large slabs are always expensive.
Is there a minimum quantity to purchase?Normally our MOQ is at least 1 20 feet container with mixed products available. But that doesn't mean we don’t accept retail order or LCL (less than a container load).
Can we get material that is not on your website?Yes of course we will try our level best! We have strong foot hold in the indian stone industry, we just need the photo of the material from your side with the size and specifications that you wish to order… We will try our best to source the material for you with the best possible price.
Why are your prices cheaper than the other suppliers?The first reason is we are buying the rough blocks (the raw stone material) direct from the genuine and best quality quarry without any mediator, then we process it in our own facility, then we have our own trucking arrangements, we are not dependent on the III party trucking people. The overall costing comes down because we buy the genuine best quality cutting calibration polishing consumables which are in long run, they become cheaper for us. Last but not the least the factory is also near to the loading port just 650 kilometres (403 miles) around. So, because of all such factors we usually sell our stones fairly at low scale.
I can’t find the answer in this FAQs section to my question, can I speak to someone?Yes of course. Our friendly team is more than happy to help with any questions you may have. Just call +91-9829446944 / +91-294-2980288 or email / We’re open from Monday to Saturday between 9am - 5.00pm.
Does Aravali Marbles observe and support human rights and child labour laws?Of course, we at Aravali Marbles employ only qualified professionals in its quarries and factories, and we always firmly stand against the exploitation of child labour.
What is Aravali Marbles' environmental policy?Aravali Marbles never source its RAW STONE MATERIAL from environmentally sensitive areas such as river systems, forest areas, govt. holding lands, we abide by all government of India regulations regarding the quarry of natural stone products, and is fully licensed to deal in the quarry and subsequent manufacture of natural stone-based products.
What certifications do you have?We have following certificates: ISO 9001 :2015 for quality management systems means our company working professional dedication. CE (Conformité Européenne) means our stone products are fit to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. ETI (Ethical Base Code) Certificate means our company is committed for ethical trading practices ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S) means our company gives safe and healthy workplace to our employees ISO 10002:2018 means our company has a clear procedure for handling the complaints related to products and our services ISO 14001:2015 means our company is giving stress on improving the environment surrounded by our factory and quarries SA 8000:2014 means our company apply socially acceptable practices in our factory and we promote regular training, promotion and give fair remuneration and we do not do any partiality on the basis of cast and creed. ISO 26000:2010 means our company is active in fulfilling the CSR (social responsibility) towards the local society where we have been operating. Life time member of Federation of Indian Granite & Stone Industry (FIGSI) Industry (old name All India Granites & Stone Association) Life time member of FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organisation) Member of CAPEXIL (Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council)
How many different colors can you mix in ONE single container?To be very honest we can mix maximum to maximum 3 different colors in one container. If you try to mix many colors in one container, it will make us inefficient and the pricing will be really high.
Do you give discount if we order large quantity?Yes. Please call directly at +91-9829446944 or email us at / with the product name, size and quantity - we will definitely consider to work with you to get you a wholesale price.
Why should we buy extra stone for our project & how much should we buy extra?We always recommend to our clients that always order an extra 10-20% of your desired amount of stone (depending on the floor / walling layout) to account for minor damage, intricate cuts during installation, corners, etc. The rule of thumb is to order at least an extra 15% of your stone of choice; you do not want to find yourself two tiles short at the end of installation. It is also wise to keep a few extra tiles in case you will need to replace broken or damaged tiles in the future.
Do you ship internationally?Yes, we ship our natural stones all over the globe. for specific information contact our sales representative directly +91-9829446944 or through email /
Why are your prices so competitive?Because you are buying direct from the Stone Manufacturer and Exporter.
How to send you an inquiry about our stone requirement?You can send us stone purchase inquiry through: Email: / Whatsapp: +91-9829446944 Phone / Text Message: +91-9829446944 Form fill up at: When you are sending an inquiry, please give us your detailed requests, such as: Stone Name Size Thickness Surface type (polished or honed or flamed or any other finish) Approximate quantity
Can we order a stone sample/s before placing an order?Yes, of course you ask us to send the samples before the order confirmation. We send totally free of cost samples to our long-term buyers only. But for the first-timers on freight collect basis. We usually send the samples by DHL / FedEx / UPS / Aramex etc.
How do you ship the cargos from your factory to my location?We send our cargo through container loads from our factory to your location…we have some good shipping partners like MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, COSCO, Hapag-Lloyd, Evergreen, ZIM, Wan Hai Lines, Nippon etc. who help us to transport the cargos from our country to your Inland port or Sea port or till to your doors. If you need to know the transport freight, please contact us for quotation.
May I check the quality before the shipping?Yes, of course you are most welcome, you can come here or you ask any of your friends in India to check the quality, then we will despatch the container in his presence.
What are the delivery options I can have?We can arrange shipment for customer on mainly 2 modes: FCL (full container) LCL (small quantity which is less than full container) We can arrange shipment to your nearest sea port or till your yard / home address (at your zip code delivery address) as per your requirement. The easiest way…is to ask your local shipping agent to handle customs at the destination port for you.
What is the best way to communicate to Aravali Marbles for my marble granite basalt and other natural stone requirements?The best way to communicate with our team is to either email us on / You can even WhatsApp/Facetime chat with us, you can ping us at: +91 9829446944. You can also leave an offline message by filling up the website contact form. Besides, we are available 24×7 and you will surely get a revert from us within 24 hours.
Do you give warranty for the natural stone products that you will supply us?To be very honest Aravali Marbles a manufacturer and exporter of 100% NATURAL STONES which are quarried from mother earth. We process our natural stones keeping in mind to give 100% best quality stone, however, fissures, striations, veining, color variations, undulations, etc. are genuine characteristics of natural stones and are considered unique and NOT defective stones. So please understand, that natural stones cannot be covered under any kind of warranty. However, in any rare case if the natural stones are inadequately packed and few pieces crack/break during the transit, those pieces will be sent for free in the next container shipment. Please be assured that customer`s satisfaction is our company's prime concern.
Who is Aravali Marbles?Aravali India Marbles & Granites aka Aravali Marbles a top notch & a leading manufacturer, exporter and supplier of Natural Stones from India since 2005 exporting to over 40 countries. We have over 20 years of experience as manufacturer exporter and supplier Indian natural stones. We are the masters in Indian marble granites basalt slabs, flooring tiles, skirting, steps risers. Aravali Marbles keeps full control on quality and always stress on the customer satisfaction. We produce slabs, tiles, wall coverings and cut-to-size products for our overseas clients for your flooring, stairs, wall covering, ceiling, kitchen, bathroom etc. We can execute all kinds of stone fabrications. Today, Aravali marbles' global footprint extends across Europe, North America, Asia, Middle East and North Africa and is continuously seeking expansion opportunities into new markets.
How to contact with you through social media?You can contact us through various social media platforms, you can directly see us here: Facebook - Instagram - X (Twitter Old Name) - YouTube - LinkedIn - Pinterest - Blog - Own Site -
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Please call, email, or WhatsApp and we would be happy to address any of your questions or concerns.Call / WhatsApp: +91-9829446944 / Phone: +91-294-2980288 Email: /
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